Dear one and all,
Hello again to all of you I usually write and to those I am just adding I hope that you all get this email fine. This week has been a good one but this letter will be a short one. Most of the week has been spent at our usually teaching, finding and we even got to baptizing this week.
So I guess the first question on every one's mind (but not really because you probably don't know it's transfers) is where I am going. I am being moved to a place called Carson (or for those of you more familiar with Cali, Wilmington). My new companion will be Elder Liu (Lu-ee). Elder Richeson talks pretty highly of him so I am pretty excited to be his companion. He says he likes to work out so I figure I'll have to put him through his paces soon enough and see if I can keep up. I'm moving tomorrow morning and with this being P-day I'll probably have seen everyone here in downtown for the last time for a while. Sorry in advance if no letters come out today, we'll see how tonight goes.
As for some stories this week? Well, nothing too crazy/exciting really happened this week. The highlight for me was of course the baptism. He name is Patrick and he and his (soon to be) wife have been meeting with us for about the last two transfers (about 3 months). They have been so prepared by God to receive the word that it's not even funny. Carol was baptized a few weeks ago as some of you will remember and Patrick has followed suit. We had a great service that was shared by one Manuel Nunez as well which some other Elders have been teaching. I'll be sad so leave them both right after all our work has come to it's head. Good luck to you both if you are reading this!
So this week in spiritualness I want to talk about faith. I had a pretty awesome experience that really got the gears working in my head. As we were texting and calling and letting everyone know I would be leaving we had a bit of a problem come up. We have an investigator who really doesn't like meeting new people, so much so that it took her 2 days to decide whether or not we should meet again when we did because I had a new companion. I texted her telling her how I knew that the Lord would only do what is best for us and then it hit me. I was going somewhere I've never been, with a person I've never known, trusting that the Lord wanted me to. It was pretty cool to feel that I had the faith to trust Him to the point where I could comfort others about His plans for us.
So a scripture to add that, I like Ether 12:4:
4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.
Faith is the anchor of our souls. Not the something nice to have or something that kinda just floats around us. It is the very anchor, the steadfast point we can go back to when we are on rough seas. When the wind and the waves are breaking over the bow and the black sky is streaked with lightning, we can really on our faith to hold us firmly. That is the kind faith that is needed today in this crazy world. If we can come to trust God like that, we will never fear. We can confidently "Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord" (Exodus 14:13).
I hope you all have a good week and that the Lord bless you with all you need.
-Um no exercito de Deus
Elder Teela
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