Hello once again everybody, and Happy Valentine´s day! Here in Brazil it´s actually in September and in Feburary we have carnival! Well, carnival isn´t actually that big here in the south. Everyone says that it will just be a few parades instead of the normal madness that you see on TV. That only really happens in Rio de Janeiro and the Northwest so it should stay pretty calm here.
This week is transfers so that´s exciting. Execpt I´m staying again, I´ll have a new compaionion but still the same old Sapucia. I´ll admit I´m a little down on that as I was hoping to go to a new area but I´ll just have to stick this one on the Lord and hope for the best. It´ll all be great in the end I bet.
So starting off with Monday night things got crazy kinda fast, haha. We normally have 4 Elders sleeping in our house every night but that night because of departing missionaries we had a grand total of 8! Yeah, this can´t go well, ha ha. Two of them were pretty late though so we grabbed some extra matresses from a near by member and put them on the ground for them to sleep on. After we were done we looked at eachother and thought.... wouldn´t it be funny if the last two came in and we were all in the same bed? So take a wild guess at what we did, ha ha. They came in the room and one of the two said ´I think I need to call president now´. We all had a fit of laughter after that :).
We´ve been out to eat our giant mess of french fries 3 times this week which has wreaked a little havoc on my stomach now, ha ha. I guess it´s not the best idea to got there more than once a week when all you eat is grease filled devil-food.
Um, basically the work has been pretty good, we´re on a bit of a down cycle now so that means plenty of finding and work, but that´s what we came out here for right? We baptized the teaching pool we had so that means we gotta build it back up. I guess that about sums up the week... We had one day where literally we had 5 or 6 appointments so we grabbed our best buddy from the ward and did some work but literally EVERY one fell through, luckily we found tons of work to do still and did well but it was a bit ridiculous.
We also had a funny little ´funeral´ for 2 missionaries going home this week. We made WAY too many sweets and then of course ate them all in order not to be wasteful :). It was fun but it´ll be good not to have all the thoughts of home the weeks that come, you get a bit distracted.
So, to finish up I´ll give a little thought I had here. I might have already wrote about it a bit but I like they way it came together. In district meeting I was thinking and made a note: We give up the things of the world to gain the things the wolrd cannot give. It just kinda came together for me in that minuet. We don´t just lose things when we go on this mission, we gain things that we can´t even imagine of gaining any other way. The blessings, the faith, the tesitimonies and of course the funny stories. These are things that an education, a pretty girl and money cannot give (okay, the girl maybe, haha). It´s all gonna be SO worth it in a few short months here. Even the darkest, hardest moments will make the reunion that much sweeter.
Hope everyone has a good week, keep calm and pray on!
-um no exército de Deus
Elder Teela
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