Yo! How´s everyone doing?!
So this week I almost died, and by that I mean I was just sick for about 3 days and hung out with the cool members here and stayed in the house. It wasn´t very fun, just sitting around doing nothing. It was a bit better here because the members here like to post stuff on Facebook so a few of you might have seen me a bit this week. The good news was I finally ate some pancakes! I was sick so I almost threw them back up but it was SO worth it. One of the coolest members I´ve ever known here knows how to make them, so it was great.
Said pancakes ^
Um, so yea, so we did just about nothing for a few days. After that we had a division with some Elders here in the district for an interview and it went pretty smoothly. It was a young woman who was super nervous it seemed, ha ha. I guess ´The Lord´s servant´ as we call the interviewers here scared her a bit. She knew everything and didn´t have any problems so she passed just fine. I took the chance to talk with them a bit more and find out some problems that they were having. Hoping to see some more of them this week!
Also had two more interviews with some other Elders and the first was a cool kid of 11 years who is super excited to be baptized. He SUPER elect. He told me on the way to the interview that he wanted to be baptized and go on a mission like us. He knew everything as well (which is a bit rare for kids, usually we need to help them remember a bit) and was super cool.
The last interview was a bit fun. We talked but he was nearly deaf and not understanding me hardly at all. We finally got through it all and I asked him if he was excited for him baptism. He was like `I´m being baptized tomorrow? But I´m not ready!` I was a little taken aback and almost laughed a bit. I talked to him a bit more and in the end he felt ready to be baptized, it was just super funny that he was like, ´What?´.
Um, other than that we just worked like crazy and didn´t have anyone come to church which wasn´t fun but what can you do?
Oh, a crazy guy asked me to give him my watch this week. He´s a relative of the stake president and comes to church more or less frequently. He sells the stuff he gets from people to buy drugs...... sad case. But after that we left to go grab some BoM´s for a class and when we got back we found out that he was debating that the Catholic church was the one that was restored, not the church we have today. He kept asking when Peter kept his keys and stuff like that. We shut him down pretty quick after that and then he left and came back dressed in street clothes like normal and spent 20 mins or so going back and forth and around and through the building. He then spoke with bishop and left. I asked him on the way out what happened to his church clothes and he said ´man you know, I went to the bathroom and then they were just on me like nothing.... it was weird´. Sure was weird alright.... ha ha.
Sunday was basically nothing. It was the equivalent of the super bowl this weekend. Something called Gren-al. It´s when the two rival teams here play. It´s also the state semi-final, so no one was in the streets or accepting visits, so we kicked with our buds and recent converts that day. Pretty good in all.
This week I was reading a bit in D&C for my little count down and I learned really that modern-day prophets are really legit. Joseph really restored a lot of lost knowledge that there is no way he would have just made up or picked up from the Bible. Everyone should really study up on the prophets, they really are inspired men and they help us understand all of the deepest questions we have (like whether or not Adam had a belly button, the answer is yes, he did).
The church is true, the book is blue (for now, it was red for a bit and then had a picture of Moroni on it)! Have a good week!
-Um no exército de Deus
Elder Teela