Hey everbodys!
So this week I have decided to try and write this email first to leave enough time to actually go through the week like I should.
So last Monday we worked like normal because we traded our P-day for the temple. We would have worked that is but I had some business with my foot..... It was hurting pretty good so we called Sister Wright and she told me to take it easy, so we spent most the day just going from place to place and not walking very much. While we were resting like that at a part member family´s house Elder Lago started philosophizing (that´s a word right?). He said ´the wind that blows there, blows here´ (o vento que venta lá, venta cá) From there on out they debated out the topic and then started changing the words to songs to sing about wind..... it was all a bit weird but we were all dying laughing in the moment, ha ha
The next day we went to the temple and that was an adventure in it of itself, ha ha. Let´s just say none of us really knew where we were going but we managed to get to the mission office to pick up a package for Elder Lago and then we went to the temple by taxi which should have taken 15 mins but took half an hour because the dude had no idea where the ´giant Mormon temple on top of the hill on the road Salvador Pineiro geral´ was. He agreed to just have a us pay for the 15 mins that it should have been though, so that was good, ha ha.
Then at the temple I met up with my homies from the MTC Elder Francom and Elder Collett. Heres a pic we took: 
How´s that for a pic? Ha ha
Anyway something that never happened before that I know of.... well happened. The temple lost power half way through the session! It was really weird, leaving half way through but we sat in the dark for half an hour and they couldn´t get the generator working so we had no choice but to end the session. So we just had to leave after that :(.
But that wasn´t the end of the weirdness, our chapel then lost power! Someone ripped out some wires or something (apparently they sell the copper within) and we had to go help the bishop set it all right the next day. It was raining and we didn´t have any appointments that night so we went there to help out. We got it all right and they we had a short meeting to get all our stuffs ready for the baptism this week (SPOILER).
Yeah, the next crazy thing that happened is that the people for the wedding place started making up some rules for us. They called the couple that was to marry and then told them that they had to ´register their witnesses´. This sent him into a bit of panic and he called us up. We quickly called on the couple we had lunch with and they agreed to help out and brought their very energetic daughter, who is about the sweetest little thing ever. The witnesses had to be Brazilian so I couldn´t do it but when they handed over their BRAZILIAN ID´s the woman asked 5 or 6 times if they were Brazilians. I swear, some people are just straight up dumb. They don´t even have accents or anything for heaven´s sake!
The next days this happened!
Spiritual baths!
It was super cool! Them and the boy we baptized last week were all confirmed Sunday! It was a great week really. We were super blessed with these two families.
So that was basically our week summed up, hope you all love it :). I kinda forgot to think on a little spiritual though so I´ll just end with a shout out to my little bro who just opened his mission call going to Cabo Verde Praia mission speaking Portuguese as well! WHOA! Yeah, now we have an official bro language and we´ll have someone to practice with for the rest of our lives! It´s pretty cool! Excited for ya bro, see here in a few months and we´ll see if we can´t learn you a bit son!
Have a great week everyone!
-Um no exército de Deus
Elder Teela
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