Hey guys! How goes it in the world? I'm doing better now that I'm over my little cold I got. It's been a week of change out here in LA., and I've got a lot to cover so I'mma just get started.
So Monday last week was spent on buses mostly as we headed down to the mission office to get me a temple recommend interview with Pres. Weidman. It went well and I did pass so we were good to go on that. On the way home things got pretty interesting as this man-woman started yelling at some poor man for no good reason. I felt bad for the guy but Elder Richeson is a big pacifist and started freaking out. He kept fidgeting in his seat and looking back towards them. Finally the guy walked away and let it end. After we got off the bus Elder Richeson was like "I kept waiting for someone to pull out a knife or a gun or something!" It's not THAT ghetto here, haha
Tuesday was fun because we planned to move into our new apartment that day but didn't end up doing so. We spent all morning cleaning and packing up (BTW I need to send a lot of stuff home, haha) and then took off to our new place in service clothes. After waiting for a while we got a call from the office Elders if we could reschedule the move till tomorrow. We were a bit annoyed but hey, what else can you do? The day was a bit wasted but we had a dinner and some cool appointments that night.
Wednesday was temple day! We had out session at 10:30 and it was wonderful. The spirit was strong as always and we hung out in the Celestial room for a while just enjoying it. It was such a good refresher and a break from the all-too-common worldliness we get caught up in.
We then actually moved into our apartment but had no time to unpack or set up because we had dinner and a lesson to get to. The lesson was with one of our most enthusiastic, prepared and awesome baptismal dates you could ever imagine. She scheduled to be baptized the 12th of April and I have no doubt that that will happen and be a great experience for her.
Thursday was SO good. I had 3 hamburgers that day. That's how you know you've had a good day. 3. The first was actually this crazy thing called a chicken teriyaki burger and it's as good as it sounds. Anthony took us to a place for lunch that has awesome american and Chinese food called Golden Teriyaki burger. It was about 7 bucks for the meal but was pretty darn good for fast food. Anthony was fun as always with his crazy stories from his gangster days and blind jokes. He's always a bright spot in our week.
I then got a little frustrated because all of appointments fell through and I just was tired and sick. Thankfully Elder Richeson is a great man and took all of my crap without killing me. I think I would have beat me up if I was acting like that..... Not my proudest moment. We then went and weekly planned for a while to let me calm the heck down for a bit and eat.
We then went and had our other 2 burgers at the house of a part-member family of a dry-mormon man. He is super cool and there are about 20 people in the house at all times and it's as hot as summer back home in the home. We got there and promptly scared his 2 year-old nephew to tears, haha. You know how scary we missionaries are. We had a good lesson that week about how he needs to marry his girlfriend and his spiritual progression.
Friday was interviews with the mission president, and he blew my mind. I can't really type all the cool advice and some of the forewarning he gave me but, suffice to say I'm more than certian the man talks with God.
We then went on spilits and I got Elder Eddy into my area. Elder Eddy looks like Tom Cruise (according to a man on the street) and is humble and fun as all get out. We went to a dinner/service project with Sister Pumphery. We thought it'd be easy enough but it ended up taking 2 and a half hours. We were trying to transplant a tree and it didn't go so well.... I got some fun pictures out of it I wore a purple woman's shirt. My mom should have a picture of it up soon enough, haha.
Saturday was cool. We had tons of good appointments and some good miracles happen. We got to an appointment early and deiced to contact around. When we were about to go in we talked to one last guy who turned out to be an investigator we have been trying to get in contact with since I got here three months ago! Isn't that crazy! The Lord was good and lead him and us together and we finally got in contact!

Sunday was great! We had a powerful fast and testimony meeting and a baptism in the ward! It was a great way to top off my spiritual bucket after the temple. I can't wait till we have one for ourselves with one of the great people we're teaching. We spent most the night studying.
So for my spiritual though I will direct you all to the Ensign. There is an article called "Lasting Happiness" I want you all to read. That is your home work. Do it or you fail the class, haha.
Well, not a lot of time left. Got to go and save some souls. You all have a good week!
-Um no exercito de Deus
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