Well, well well... this is just crazy. My mission is 1/3 over already! Not like I'm counting or anything, ha ha. It's actually isn't because I think I might extend at the end and I'm not sure how much longer they'll give me but for now it's at the 1/3 mark and still no sign of a visa. It's okay though, the Lord know's better than I do. Enough about that, on to this week in the harvest of the Lord!
The next day was spent in a lot of service. The good ol' Pumphries needed help with their garage and it was high time we got there to help. We rifled through boxes, moved them around and fought spiders for the next 3 hours or so and came up with a way they could look through most of it without our help; so it was time well spent. One of the things I ran across as we were working was this magazine that said something to the effect of "Women, The Mightier Sex" I couldn't help but take a look and it was the funniest thing I've read in a while. Most articles use scientific evidence or logic to present their facts but this one was just straight up awful. It used this kind of half-science-half-madness to tell us men why we are just awful. It said that because men have a "Y" chromosome we are only half complete and some other crazy nonsense, ha ha. We enjoyed the service too, but that was really the highlight.
We went over for dinner at the famous Sis. Randolf's home after that. She is famous for her cooking and beans mostly. Her granddaughter Liberty was there and acted like a wild child for a bit but it was a good visit. We haven't seen her for about a month because she skipped off to Vegas to visit family.
The next notable thing I guess that happened was a visit was took to an eterna-gator's home that night. We knocked on the door but I was a bit too timid because I thought she and her "husband" (long-term-less-active-member-boyfriend) would be asleep. As we walked towards the exit gate we got a call and stopped by the window of their home. After the call somehow this sister got the prompting to check the window and tapped on the glass to get our attention. She later told us "Your spirit talked to my spirit, and I just knew you were outside" It's a small miracle but it was just enough for God to remind us who is still in charge. We had a cool visit and we have lunch with them this week! God is great!
Oh! One really thing that has been happening this week. People keeping telling us about weird spiritual things that happen in their life. A less active guy and this YSA man told us all about exorcisms and how we need to have the authority and worthiness to do them. Another man told us about how he's had visitations from people who have passed on, whether seeing them, feeling their presence or hearing them. Then, this older LA woman told us about how she is a medium. There are a few more I can't remember off the top of my head but it is wwwaayy bizarre. I would laugh it all off but the spirit was strong those times they told us about all of it so I can't really ignore it..... I wonder what's coming our way....
The last thing I guess was another really cool prompting we got. We were up way north in our area, which is far so we only go there if we plan a whole day of work there, and we were about to head home when I looked through the mobile area book and a name stuck out to me. We had been seeing the man around but hadn't really visited him for a while, so we figured it was a good idea to see him. We biked up to his home and he showed up on his bike about 30 seconds later! We were surprised and he let us in and let us sit while he went and got us some KFC. It was incredibly funny and cool that it all just "happened" that way. We all know that it never just happens though, God had a plan and just let us in on it.
So questions need answering! Here are a few:
Q: How do I help someone that is falling away form the church?
A: I would say, be their friend first of all. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. After that, be kind and loving but blunt with them. Tell them how much living the gospel blesses you life and be ready with a testimony.
Q: Are you going to get your visa?
A: No, I'm gonna get a puppy
Q: Where did you get that ugly purple shirt?
A: We were doing service for the good ol' Pumphries and she wanted to give us some shirts to cover our whites. See the purple, how could I resist?
Q: Is it always sunny in LA?
A: Yes, yes it is. You think I'm joking but It's only rained 3 times since I got here and 1 of those times it was sunny out.
That's all the ones I've really gotten. If you have em' I'll answer em'.
For a spiritual thought I just want to tell you to trust God in your life. It seems so easy and dumb, but how much do you really trust him? If you look at this like a trust fall, do you let yourself fall all the way into His arms? Or do you stumble and try to catch yourself and crash into the ground? Just think of that and let it sink in a bit. Men like Alma, Ammon, Moroni, President Monson are the kind of men that let themselves fall knowing God will catch them.
That's all for now! Hope you all have a good week and that God blesses your lives! Everyone give a shout out to my favorite Irish family! Claudia
is turning 18, happy birthday!
is turning 18, happy birthday!
-Um no exercito de Deus
Elder Teela
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