Hello people! This week was pretty good until I got a nasty flu.... Stupid winter season. We've spent the majority of the past two days at home but we managed to get our work done a bit early in the week so it wasn't too bad for us. Got some stories for you this week though, ha ha.

So to start with we had 5 of our 6 baptisms fall through for this weekend but then a girl turned up from nowhere who has been going to church for a while and already had received all the lessons! So that was pretty great and she passed her interview with out a problem. She´s lived in the world for a while but she´s gonna be a lot better now I think.
I had my last interview with president as well..... My gosh that was super special. I can´t even tell you how good it was but a trunky for sure. I was there with a bunch of elder´s that were going home with me too..... AAHHH! It was super cool though and I´m glad I did it with pres. Wright for sure.
So we had this other kid we've been teaching for a while now that also got baptized this week. We went to go fill the font for his baptism and stuff and I was already feeling a bit sick but I went for it anyway. We got there and opened the church like normal but this time someone turned on the alarm..... It´s never been on before and I had no idea what the code was, so we sat there a bit after about one minute I called the bishop.... who was in the temple... So I figured I could try and figure out the code. My comp helpfully put in 1234 which was not the code. I then got to thinking, maybe it´s the same as another code, so I put in the one from Sapucaia but that wasn't it. I then thought about significant church dates and the first one I put in was right! It was pretty funny and I felt a little like 007.
So we got the baptism going just fine but the water was cold and that only made me feel even worse.... but it was worth it, it´s been a while since we started teaching him and he´s a great kid, so we went for it
This week as well we went by a recent convert who has been baptized about a month or so. When we went there she said that her friend´s church was talking bad about ours and her dad was on a bit of a rant against us. She asked why he didn't like the church. He said that he didn't like how we ´bug´ everyone with our missionaries (not the first time I heard that one). She then told him that it is because they are trying to help, and in the end you are super happy you actually listened to them. I was SO proud of her! It made me smile and really appreciate the work we do here.
Oh, here´s some pics of the baptisms we had this week:
So yeah, not a lot more happened this week but it was a good week I´d say. It was the last one for President Wright, so we gave it our best. We´ll have a zone conference to welcome him this week and I´ll see Elder Ritter (friend from my home ward) as well which I´m pretty excited for. I´ll right you more about it next week! It´ll be my second-last email next week. Catch you all then!
-Um no exéricto de Deus
Elder Teela
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