Boa tarde Tchês! Well, like the first line says, this will be my second to last email! It´s crazy that these two years have gone by so fast! I can hardly believe I´m at the home stretch here. I´ll be working hard for these next two weeks for sure.

So this week was good pretty much. We went to a mall in the middle of the city and spent our P-day there which was cool. It was fairly small so it only took a few hours to look around and they Elders here picked up some stuff and looked into some Gaucho stuff for me to buy as souvenirs (butchered that word) And I got me some cool stuff.
Tuesday it was back to business as usual. We had a kid show up to church last week that is a friend to a lot of the kids in the ward already and so we went over to his house and started visiting him and he was ready to be baptized this week! Here´s a cool pic of all of us:
Poor kids were in wet jumpsuits and it was pretty cold, ha ha. Good thing the font heater is working just fine and they had some nice warm water to do the baptism.
We had a cool meeting with the new president (that´s right, I´m leaving, he´s coming) and I found an old friend there from my ward! Here´s a pic of him and me! 
Two handsome devils there.
We also had ward baptism this week that was super fun. The little girl turned 8 last week and she did her party and baptism together which of course was themed after Frozen. She even came in dancing and singing ´Let it Go´ all in a costume and everything. It was pretty fun, we of course cleaned out the free food there was and cake, ha ha. A missionary is ALWAYS hungry.
For a quick little thought here I was thinking about how we change ourselves. I was thinking about how we change our natures and break bad habits and then I thought about Alma 37:6 : ´behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass´. So there´s the answer, Work the small things, the devil in the detail. If we do all the small stuff right, the big stuff comes later. That´s the secret, that´s what makes these great things happen.
I have a lot more to tell you guys but I´ll leave it for when I get home, ha ha. Hope you all have a good week!
-Um no exército de Deus
Elder Teela
P.S. e-mail next week will be on Tuesday
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