Elder Jeremy R. Teela

Elder Jeremy R. Teela

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Week 95 (Section 27)

Man, only one month left. It´s kinda crazy. I guess I should be really trunky at this point but I really am doing pretty good. Trying to get the best out of my morning workouts (you´re welcome ladies) and just trying to finish off strong. 

So this week was pretty good. We got a lot of lessons in and did a few splits. Starting off with Tuesday we went and visited a really cool referral we got from one of the young woman in the ward.
Her name is Dienifer (Jeniffer, di in Portuguese makes a J sound more or less) and she´s 13 and really cool. Her friend even went with us to her house and we gave them the first lesson with a Book of Mormon and they could be baptized this week! 

Also we've been teaching a family that´s super cool that should be baptized this week as well. That and one more young man we've been seeing for like 2 months is now ready to be baptized as well. All in all, it could be 5 baptisms this week from our area alone. The other Elders in the ward have at least 2 more baptisms lined up as well..... I guess we´re spending Sunday in the water. A bit worse that it is winter so we might get sick, but it´s worth it! 

On Wednesday we had some splits with the assistants. I was with the older of the two in our area which was cool. The only problem was that we went by an area where they are paving the road and it started raining and well.... I got my pants soaked in tar/pitch or whatever they were putting down on the road. I am the lucky one though, I at last have 5 more pairs of pants to use but this poor Elder only has one more pair he says... Ha ha. We also went by and checked by a potential investigator we had and well... she was trippin´. She talked about how her daughters are all ´believers´ as they call them here (hard-core Christians like us, ha ha) and then showed us her ´Blest cloth for São Paulo´ or something like that.... It was a cloth with a dove and a scripture on it and we just kinda looked at each other and tried not to laugh. 

We also did a really cool FHE with that family we've been teaching and the Elders Quorum president and his family. It was a little crazy though because turned out that I was making a snack, so I made pancakes, ha ha. They all seemed to love them but it wasn't my best batch I´m willing to admit. It was cool though. I really hoped that that will help them on their way to this Sunday 

Well, I´m a bit out of time to write here. I´ll let you all go with this idea. I always liked a phrase that a person at some point said to me. He said misery is comfortable, any sort of growth and happiness will require pain. When we grow as kids, we experience pains. When we go to a gym and lift weights and get stronger we feel pain. For me that is kinda like the end of the mission here. I can finish out here comfortable and do nothing and just let the end come, or I can end better than I started. I would say that I would work harder than every worked before but that would mean I wasn't working too hard before, so I just wanna finish strong. So, I will not just stay here comfortable, I want the pain. 

Hope you all have a good week. Keep it real, and don´t steal

-Um no exército de Deus
Elder Teela

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