Elder Jeremy R. Teela

Elder Jeremy R. Teela

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 60 1/2-- I made it to Brazil

I made it to Brazil alive Momma! It was about 18 hours of travel but the plane didn't craah and I didn't bug Elder Collett too bad so we made it through just fine. We're actually compaionions now! It's pretty awesome. There is about a 5 hour time difference from Cali and I think I'm only and hour or two ahead of you guys back home.
Um, this MTC is a bit more.... como se dice... ghetto, haha. I thought it'd be nicer like the one in Provo but this one only is one building and the area around reminds me of when I was in downtown LA. It's still really exciting though, speaking Portugeuse and stuff again. I was funny when we were getting off the plane everyone seemed to catch the vibe and started speaking Portugeuse around us. It was super weird to actually not have people understand us when we spoke english. My Portugeuse seems to have lasted a bit better than I thought though, so that's good. Me and Elder Collett are going to try and speak only Portugeuse while we are here so really get us more ready.
I have a ton more to tell you but I'll have to save it fro Monday. Love ya and I'll email you soon. Let everyone know I'm safe and pumped!
-Um no exercito de Deus
Elder Teela

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